These are the top four reasons you need to stage your for-sale property.

Today, in the first installment of our two-part series about home staging, I’m sharing four reasons why staging works when selling your home:

1. Living is different from selling. The way we live in our homes is different from the way we sell houses. The way you live in your home accommodates your lifestyle, family size, and how you want the space to function. A professional stager or interior designer puts a space together to present it in its most photogenic and appealing way to buyers.

2. The right furniture. Unfortunately, you don’t have the right furniture. That’s not a criticism; most of us don’t have the appropriate furniture to stage a house to appeal to buyers in the best way. We inherit furniture, bring two families together, or buy furniture over time; most people don’t have an entire matching set. Some also have too much furniture, and a stager knows what to eliminate.

“Staging is still one of the key things we can do to prepare your house for the market.”

3. Buyers expect staging. Due to online listings, HGTV, Instagram, Pinterest, and so on, buyers have been trained to think that a staged appearance is how a property should look when it’s for sale. A very high bar has been set over the last few years for sellers that you need to match.

4. Your competition is staging. Your competition is painting, decluttering, and usually staging to prepare for sale, and you don’t want a buyer choosing their home over yours simply due to its staging.

The real estate climate has shifted, but staging is still one of the key things we can do to prepare your house for the market. Pricing correctly is the most crucial thing, but the property’s physical condition and appearance is the second-most essential aspect of a sale. We don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Stay tuned for part two of this home staging series where we’ll do a case study of a staged home! If you or anyone you know is considering making a move and would like to speak with us about what to do to prepare for a sale, please reach out via phone or email. We’re happy to help.